How much firewood is needed to best in one Sauna Tent?

Hur mycket ved behövs för att basta i ett bastutält?

Many people wonder how much firewood is needed to bring up the heat in one Sauna Tent. The answer is due to several factors, but we have some guidelines that make it easy to calculate your wood consumption.

In this post we go through:

  • How much firewood goes to per hour
  • How the outdoor temperature affects heating
  • Our best tips for getting up the heat quickly

So much firewood is needed for a sauna session

A good rule of thumb is that you need approximately 10 liters of wood per hour. An ordinary wood bag on 40 liters Thus, enough 3-4 sauna sessions, Depending on how long you bastard.

Of course, also plays Outdoor temperature and which sauna heat you prefer A big role. But spring stove is Very effective, and it is possible to reach over 100 ° C., no matter how cold it is out.

Our best tips for getting up the heat

Do you want to get the temperature up quickly and efficiently? Here are our best tips:

  • Use dry birch wood - Gives the best effect and burns evenly.
  • Start with less woods - It helps the fire get faster.
  • If the temperature is too low - put in more firewood.
  • The highest heat is reached after about 15-20 minutes, when the stove has been given a good glow.

Hur Mycket Ved Behövs?

Kolla in vår video där Josef visar exakt hur du får ut max värme ur din kamin. Länk till video.


Hur Mycket Ved Behövs?

Kolla in vår video där Josef visar exakt hur du får ut max värme ur din kamin. Länk till video.

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